24/7 Live Support
“Amazed at the Courtesy, Quickness, and Helpful Response!”
I called in answer to an advertisement and was pleased to immediately speak to Mike Eversol. He was polite, knowledgeable, and knew what he was talking about. I then got a personal handwritten note from Kristy Turner. I immediately felt like "a member of the family" and trusted them. Every staff member I spoke to was like Mike and Kristy. They were trying to help ME rather than worrying about themselves. I called for assistance and was only transferred once, and the guy who answered spent time only helping me, no interruptions, just concentrated on helping. He also gave me extra helpful information on some ways other facilities have used the private broadcast channel and full explanations about how to install, hook up the internet, and install several things on the broadcast channel. Purchasing from Retirement Home TV was so pleasant I would do it again just for the nice experience.
- Steve Coleman, Alpine House Assisted Living
Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
Crafting customized solutions and providing expert installation is just the start. We know that all the bells and whistles mean nothing if we can’t provide ongoing help and customer care. If you have technical questions or experience some interruption, you have a few options to reach out to us for help:
Speak to a real person, for real support
When you call our technical support line at 877–477–3474 option #3, you’ll speak to a representative immediately.
Live Operators available after hours, weekends and all major holidays
Tier 2 technician(s) available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year
Our Customer Support team is ready and waiting to serve you!
Email us. We’ll reply.
Do you have a detailed support request that you want to put into writing?
You can send us a detailed email with your request to service any day, at any time, and we will assist you at our earliest opportunity.
Business as usual
If you need help or have questions about any aspect of your services or you’re interested in knowing more about how we can provide the solutions you need for your residents and guests, feel free to give us a call!
Normal Business Hours:
8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST
Monday through Friday
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